BOOM: You get a trophy! And you get a trophy!

Hi, I'm Boom. I was born between 1982 and 1997, which makes me a millennial. (Yes, that's right. Even by the most generously late definitions, there are no millennials who are teenagers anymore.) And I have been given a participation trophy.

How are you getting along during COVID?

 One of my special needs resources sent me the link for this UCON survey.  It's designed to help
 figure out where the gaps are in caring for our special needs families in this crisis. It is NOT specific to Indiana.                                                                                                                     
The researchers have titled it, The knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of parents of children with disabilities in response to COVID-19.”
Below is their introductory letter, though i've not copied their invitation to share. If you find a question difficult, skip it.  You should be finished in about 15 minutes; i don't think it took me any longer and i was bouncing around other windows at the time!

Dear Colleague:

We are writing to ask your help to find out how families and caregivers with children, youth or adults with disabilities are doing during this unprecedented crisis with COVID-19, and what issues they are facing.

The survey

Autism Help and Suggestions from my Inbox

From my latest Autism Society e-newsletter:
The Autism Society is proud to present our State Advocacy Toolkit detailing Covid-19 policies that relate to the autism community, and how you can take action now! Check out this month's Ignite! Autism Society Policy Newsletter to download now, as well as an update on the Autism Society's advocacy efforts surrounding the COVID-19 public health crisis.
 Alert Reader Matthew made a suggestion for a helpful autism link:
I've read a lot of similar guides before, but this one is quite thorough and opened my eyes to risks I never even previously considered.
 Thanks, Matthew.  As they keep reminding us these days, we're all in this together, and you're one of the people helping to make that true.

Wordless Wednesday: No one can stop spring

Regardless of what is going on in the world, flowers are always looking up.  So should you.  

quote, June ?Stover, via Google search / The Organic View  Flowers in or near our east flower bed

What's going on here? Missing photos!

  Weird thing: Today i checked last week's post, "Recent Reading: AKA Words on Wednesday, a Day Late," and discovered the last two photos were gone! They'd been replaced by big ovals with a dash in the middle.  MyGuy and i looked at the photos, and decided maybe Google found this in violation of copyright. We don't see why though - and shouldn't there have been an email or such, to inform me of a problem?
  Anyway, i did change the second photo to hide the story (NOT all the story, one page out of about 20.) And i hope this is some Computer Farm anomaly, because i have lots of similar pics on this blog.*  i always try to put a not-distracting amount of background in, to hopefully avoid copyright issues, "fair use ".

*There are not "worlds enough and time" to check them all.  But i would appreciate hearing from anyone who's noticed such a thing here!

Resurrection Sunday, 2020

 Of course, i've been reading lots lately.  One of the most recent things i've read is a booklet of Dr. J. Vernon McGee's The Tabernacle: God's Portrait of Christ(takes a minute to download, but it's free.)

  i find the ideas presented very powerful explanation of Christ and salvation.

Wordless Wednesday: Meeting The Horse

Grandpa introduces - one of his grandsons; they all wore this snowsuit - to Cricket, the elderly horse, enjoying her retirement home..

Such as it is, the sketch

i might come back and make a finished piece out of this, but the purpose was to have fun with my pencils in the hour or so of decent light.
Here's a couple photos:

Not Quite Wordless Wednesday: Revisiting Ruth

  A few years back, i did a vew Saturday Sister meditations based on my reading of several Ruth novels.
  Then i couldn't figure out what i could say without spoiling the plots of all of them.
  Recently, i came across some illustrations that i made for posts never written, and thought i'd share them anyway.
This one i could not get to scan nicely, so i redid it in Windows Paint.