An Afternoon with Eustacia Cutler

  Last week, in a hurried post listing several bullet points, i mentioned being about to leave to hear Eustacia Cutler speak.
   While daughter Temple is very much a celebrity in the world of autism for the functional life she has achieved. Eustacia is only now, mainly through a film about Temple Grandin's life, becoming known as the woman behind the celebrity.

  Again, as so much i present here, there is more to say than this space would permit.  i was continually feeling as if i'd missed so much by not having seen the movie or read Eustacia's book ahead of time, as most of the audience seemed to have done. 
  Here, i will not try to present the family story, only give my impressions and key points.

Grandin Life vs 1950s TV Life

  While kids with autism are much the same now as then, the times are very different.  Although Temple was ten when Leave it to Beaver premiered, this was the ideal homelife that their community expected of the family.   In the world of Eustacia's youth, a woman was supposed to be graceful, good at parties; "a conscience was not required."  (My interepretation was: a woman's conscience gets in the way!)

  Born right after WWII, Temple was the first infant her mother had held.  When she was diagnosed with autism, the only prescription was to put your child in an institution and forget you had her.  Although her husband was quite agreeable, Eustacia refused to do this, instead embarking on an intensive, secretive program of education for their firstborn.  (Maybe Father Knows Best would be a better model of the family's life.)

Eustacia Cutler As A Speaker

  Eustacia Cutler is a fascinating speaker.  She is a highly educated woman, peppering her talk with references and quotes.  She has no magic pill for us, but shows us that hanging in there IS worthwhile.  She reminded us that Temple did go through the most despair-giving phases that our kids lead us through, and is now fulfilled, on her terms, in her way.  Our kids can be too, though it undoubtedly will not be the same way.  (The movie, BTW, as movies do, took liberties, changed some facts, but was basically correct in portraying their life.)

Eustacia Cutler on Mr. Grandin

  Perhaps what impressed me most about Eustacia Cutler is what she said - and did not say - about Mr. Grandin.  She briefly alluded to the depths of his opposition to her, yet had only kind, understanding words to say about the man.
  Eustacia Cutler is one formidable woman, but she has achieved the grace that was the ideal for young women of her youth.  

  Shoutouts to:

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