Wordless Wednesday: Photoless Scrapbook Pages

These pages are about boarding the plane when i went to Europe.  No photos - who needs them?
These pages actually come before the ones above: a night out on the town, in NYC, and the next morning, before catching the plane that night.  Can you tell what the weather was?

Open Letter from a Computer Techie: "Most of the time. . . ."

i'm hardly a computer expert.  MyGuy is; he tells me "Do whatever you like; you can't break it."
And once every couple of years i do "break" it.  Spectacularly.
But usually the just "try something" concept works.  It's gotten me, pretty much an untrained person, something of a reputation as a computer expert.
Check out this Tech Support Cheat Sheet:

Wordless Wednesday: Sketchbook part 2

i've got lots of ideas to write about, but no time. So i'm posting some more pics from the art journal.
This park is on the east side of Indianapolis,  i think we hiked here on Labor Day last year.

Wordless Wednesday: Sketchbook

Some of my recent art, plus a couple of pages Max did when he came to spring break art lesson with me.  Thanks, Laura!

Max's work!