Wordless Wednesday: Silver Trees

Yes, my family had an aluminum Christmas Tree!  Actually i have it now, though for some reason my family doesn't like it.
In the lower left photo, this is in the first house i lived in, the original kitchen. i must've lived through the remodel, though i don't remember it, because i remember when this room WAS the kitchen.

The photo on the right is from the house we moved to, just before i started 1st grade, which my dad kept until his death, then my sister & family lived in for a few years.
Photos: old kitchen, livind room


1 comment:

  1. At this point, I don't mind the silver so much as the height and sparseness. And keeping it in use all these decades later is a much more sustainable option than buying a new artificial tree or getting a live (dying) tree every year since it was bought.


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