Not Quite Wordless Wednesday: Wind and Speed

High wind speeds over the weekend blew some shingles off our roof.  We're working on getting someone to fix it - well, we have someone, but getting it at least covered before the next bad weather may be a problem. Then there's

Notice how long this fence is.

the damage from the person who ran into our fence in the middle of the night.  We slept through it, and, as a result, couldn't ask the driver for his insurance info, and are unable to get it now, what with protecting his privacy and all.
And our insurance recommends that, the estimate being just under our deductible, that we not turn it in, lest we get dinged with a higher rate.
Actually, i kinda wish i had seen the aftermath of this accident.  How in the world did the car get inside our fence to leave that tireprint???? He got pretty close to the house; how fast was he going?  - not to mention how they got the car out with our gates locked.
And it's kinda deja vu 
look at this damage back in 2014:

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