Not Quite Wordless Wednesday

Cropping for Effect
 This was my mom's dog Kandi.  Or Candi - should've let the name be spelled the way she wanted!  i think i was the actual photographer, using one of the Instamatics.
Here's the original.  i wouldn't cut the actual photo, because the chair is An Important Historical Detail, and the library table likewise (you might recognize it, or not, from blog pictures of  Duckpond in the Life on the Computer Farm series).
Anyway, the doggie kinda gets lost in the entire photo.  The smaller, peekaboo shot is maybe better.  It's about the cute doggie.

Or how about this one?  It's kind of a weird view, but tells a different story.  Offhand, i don't remember where i used it, somewhere on this blog, but this seemed a reasonable way to use an onhand photo to convey the message:  i'm here, i'm telling you stuff, but not everything, still some privacy involved.

Cropping for effect.  A tool to use.

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