Bumper Sticker

It was a political bumper sticker, with candidates' names from a past election on it.

i hadn't voted for the candidates.  And i didn't know whether i liked the sentiment or was enraged by it.

Everyone deserves what someone worked hard for?
Well, i like to see everyone get what they need, get taken care of.
No one should be in need and unable to do something about it.
Yes, there are people who CAN take care of themselves and don't, but not as many as you'd think by listening to some.  And wouldn't it be better to support some freeloaders, not that we really want to, than to let ANYONE in genuine need go without?

On the other hand, what value is work if other people tell you how to spend the rewards of it?

Why should the Little Red Hen share the crop with folks who lazed around while she did the hard labor?

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