My Popular Posts: Snooting Around in the Stats

Some are about what i'm here for, others are not. As of this minute:

10. Well, you'd THINK Blogger would show the top 10, not the top 9.
 9. The respost about my ultimate mom nightmare come true.  It's veen viewed 118 times. The original post, Nightmares of an Autism Mom, has been seen 101 times.
 8. The pumpkin video, all 15 seconds of it, has netted 134 views. Our other video, God's Tree, clocks in at 101.

 7.  My silly little entry, Remembering a Strange Sign, has 137 views.
 6.Drawing Fruit has been viewed 212 times.  This is one occasion where  i worked art into our special needs Sunday school class.
 5. The patriotic photo essay about the WWII Memorial Park has been seen 240 times.
 4. Behaving Sensibly and Acting Responsibly is a short social commentary, at 271 views.  The visual is quite complex for something made in Paint, and i've had to rework it after it became popular and i found a misspelling.  (oops)
3.  My earliest still-up post, Not a Condolence Letter, from October 2, 2011, has been viewed 358 times.  This contrasts with my second still-up post, Some Thoughts about Getting Along (10/8/11), which has 34 hits.  (There's 677 posts, including 63 drafts, on 28 pages of the list.)
2. A Fork and a Guy in Warpaint and a Super' (373 views) was named with an eye to drawing hits, and boy has it done that.  Even the illustration was chosen with attracting attention in mind.  Did ya'll find the bent-tine fork intriguing?
 1. And the #1 top post on this blog, at 2529 hits, is one i'm kinda embarrassed about.  Not what i said, but about the attention it's drawn.  Did It! (does this need to be retitled? Am i missing a message i'm not interested in conveying?) shares a valid and important part of our journey, but it's also attracted the most spam. Links to weird website, but mainly what bothers me is all the people who've asked if i'll someday continue the story.  i got a lot of such questions AFTER i posted my own comment about how to find the rest of the story here.  (Try Life with Max and Medicaid tags, found at the bottom of the page, as well as posts that have been so-tagged.)

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